Sunday, February 13, 2011

What are centers???

We do our Center Time almost everyday so if you are looking for something to talk about with your child each day, you can ask about centers! Each center rotation is for 15 minutes and there are 5 centers to visit each day. The Reading center is always with me and we work on reading in small groups. "Desk Work" is a daily center but the task to complete at their desk varies from day-to-day. Computer center is when the students each log-in under their own user name and password to work on our school-wide Successmaker program. This program has various components, but our class works with Reading and Math. We alternate between the two throughout the week. This program allows each student to work at their own pace, with targeted skills for each individual. It will remediate and challenge, whichever is necessary, to meet the needs of the students. The last two centers each day change. Here are some pictures of the students working hard at their centers. I am so proud of how hard they work, how they are learning to work independently at times and cooperatively at other times, and how far their ability to read is coming along! Center time is daily from 9:20 to 11:20 and at times I have parent volunteers to help "run" a center. If you are interested in helping with centers just for one day, or on a regular basis, and you are available during these times, please send me an email and let me know! It's always great to have parents as teachers, as well! Feel free to email me at: . Here are a few pictures of some centers from our class Center Time!!!

Listening Center... listening to a story on tape or CD

Word Wheels... read the words, practice word families, illustrate the words

File Folder Games.. mix of skills involving Math and Reading

Reading Center with Mrs. Guerrettaz
Check back for more Center Time activities!
Thanks for visiting!

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