Saturday, February 26, 2011

Chinese New Year

This year we had a school-wide celebration for the Chinese New Year as a part of our International Scholars implementation. Our focus is to help our students understand cultures and experiences from all over the word. We had so many wonderful things going on all over the campus, from the Kindergarten classes parading around the school, an assembly with Chinese Acrobats, chinese food served in the cafeteria, 5th and 6th grades decorating our lunch pavilion, watching Mulan and all sorts of arts and crafts. Here are some pictures of things that our class did!
Some pictures I took from the assembly!

We made some very colorful dragon puppets.

I ate lunch with the class while we enjoyed
some Chinese food and fortune cookies.

I read this story to class, it is similar to the Little Red
Riding Hood, but takes place in China.
Thanks for visiting!

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