Friday, December 17, 2010

What do you want for Christmas???

As you all know from conferences, journal writing in my classroom is to provide an opportunity for the students to ENJOY writing. I try to give them a topic that is highly motivating so they will be engaged with their writing and put forth their best effort. I do not help them with sentence structure or spelling for journal writing. This particular topic was writing about what the students wanted for Christmas. After they were done, I told them that anyone who wanted to be on the BLOG just needed to bring me their journal... as you can see below, many did! Some added their names, and some chose to remain anonymous! Enjoy!

a dog


a puppy and a dog

new clothes

a car, a bed, a puppy, a room and a reindeer
a DS game and a watch

a DS, My Little Pony

X Box 360

Hello Kitty, I touch, stuffed animals, baby doll and a puppy

cool game and a cool bike

Pup, I-pod

X Box 360

Nintendo DSI

I-Pod Touch

A basketball game for Playstation

a tree

a car that has a control

Wii, an Ipod and X Box 360

Whiplash Scooter


remote control helicopter

Gingerbread House

a doll

remote control car

 WOW! Santa better get busy!!!
Thanks for visiting!

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